Dijual tanah di Pantai Rita Sumba Barat Daya NTT

Dijual tanah di Pantai Rita Sumba Barat Daya NTT
Lokasi Desa Wetana Kecamatan Lamboya Sumba Barat Daya NTT
Tanah ini terletak di kawasan Pantai Rita atau Pantai Rita/Rica, Jarak tempuh dari Bandar Udara Tambolaka sekitar 60 menit. Berpasir putih, dengan lebar pantai 365 meter. Tanahnya datar dengan kontur agak naik di belakang. Dokumen hak milik dan atas nama warga negara Indonesia
Masuk dalam kawasan wisata. Terdapat jalan pribadi dari jalan utama

Luas 12.9 hektar
Lebar pantai 365 meter
Harga USD 50.000/hektar
Total USD 645.000 (Sekitar IDR
Harga USD 60.000/hektar untuk pembelian 1 plot 4 hektar
(Sekitar IDR 810.000.000 )


Land for sale in Rita Beach Southwest Sumba NTT
Location Village Wetana District Lamboya West Sumba NTT
This land is located in the area of Rita Beach or Rita Beach / Rica. The distance from Tambolaka Airport is about 60 minutes. Sandy white, with a beach width of 365 meters. The ground is flat with a slightly rising contour in the back. Documents of property rights and on behalf of Indonesian citizens
Enter the tourist area. There is a private walk from the main road

Area of 12.9 hectares
Beach width 365 meters
Price USD 50.000 / hectare
Total USD 645,000 (Approx. 000,000,000)
Price USD 60,000 / hectare for the purchase of 1 plot of 4 hectares
(Approximately IDR 810,000,000)
